
Showing posts from June, 2023

Rangoli competition

            As part of commemorating India's G20 presidency, college had conducted a rangoli making competition with the theme of G20. Navya and Lekshmi participated by representing our class and we won the first prize. There were a total of six teams participated and they all also did well ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰.

Seminar presentation

 As part of BEd curriculum it is important to present seminars related to our subject. I took seminar on inclusive education and i presented it with the help of ict. 

Stress management

            As part of our second semester BEd curriculum we had a capacity building program on the topic stress management. The program was coordinated by Dr. Ancy mam and all the 50 students participated in it. The class was handled by a resource person Mr. Jobi kondoor who is a master trainer facilitator Loyola Extension services and district coordinator. He gave us a really meditating kind of class and he brought us up to a world of peacefulness. He included so many mind games and fun along with detailed class on stress management. 

เดฒเดนเดฐി เดตിเดฎുเด•്เดค เด•േเดฐเดณം

            เดฒเดนเดฐി เดตเดธ്เดคുเด•്เด•เดณിเตฝ เดจിเดจ്เดจും เดฎോเดšเดจം เดŽเดจ്เดจ เดตിเดทเดฏเดค്เดคെ เด•ുเดฑിเดš്เดš് เด’เดฐു เด•്เดฒാเดธ് เดŽเดŸുเด•്เด•ുเดตാเตป เดŽเดค്เดคി เดšേเตผเดจ്เดจเดค് เดœോเตผเดœ്เดœ് เด•ൊเดš്เดšുเดชുเดฐเดฏ്เด•เตฝ เดธเตผ เด†เดฃ്. เดตเดณเดฐെ เดต്เดฏเด•്เดคเดฎാเดฏി เดคเดจ്เดจെ เดตിเดทเดฏเดค്เดคെ เด•ുเดฑിเดš്เดš് เด…เดฆ്เดฆേเดนം เดตിเดตเดฐเด™്เด™เตพ เดจเตฝเด•ി. เดธเดฎเดฏ เดชเดฐിเดฎിเดคിเด•ുเดณเดณിเดฒുเตฆ เดŽเดฒ്เดฒാ เดคเดฒเด™്เด™เดณെ เด•്เด•ുเดฑിเดš്เดšും เดตിเดถเดฆเดฎാเดฏി เด…เดฆ്เดฆേเดนം เดตാเดšാเดฒเดจാเดฏി. 

Demonstration class

            Our seniors took some demo classes for us before our criticism class session. Our seniors namely Nandana, Athira and Gayathri took three different classes in front of the students from St. Johns. We bring some 9th standard students for the demo class so that we could make a model of an original classroom environment. And we had a really different experience to see all those procedures. We are looking forward for our chances to take such classes. After the session we say goodbye to the students by providing them with some refreshments. 

KTET training ๐Ÿ˜‡

                    Emrys,  the English association , as a new venture we are organising a ktet training program for all our fellow mates. We published the poster in an innovative way in all groups and also gave it to each optional classes as part of an announcement. We are actually planning to give classes of English and psychology twice in a week. The classes will be in online mode and the convenient time of the students. We'll be giving a small introduction about the exam before the actual classes. 

Exhibition as part of G20

      Today we had an exhibition of teaching aids as part of G20 celebration. India government has initiated a whole month celebrations regarding the G20 summit in India. The exhibition mostly tried to exhibit simple and easy teaching aids which were not so expensive. After the prayer, Reghu sir inaugurated the exhibition and we all tried to understand every teaching aids exhibited there. 

Blood donation camp

                     Our college, natural science optional, union, nss, theosa incorporation with Kims hospital did a blood donation camp in our campus. It became a great success and people from different colleges and many other places have come to participate in the camp. After the inaugural ceremony, we had the event of flying the balloons๐ŸŽˆ into the air after taking an oath.  After all the outdoor events, we had a small talk on the blood by one of the doctors from Kims hospital. She had given a detailed idea on blood donation and all. We listened to her very carefully and also asked our queries at the end. 

June 1 - Orientation ๐Ÿ˜‡

                           After two month vacation, we are back to the college. The vacation filled with exams, programs and many more. We saw a new college in look and function. The day started with a holy prayer in the chapel and we were instructed to gather in the auditorium for the orientation class. The day also got another happy as well as sad news of George sir's transfer to Anchal college. We gave him a small farewell before the class and wished him all the goodness.                          Dr. Asha ma'am came from Bombay to gave the orientation for us. She began with an incomplete story by which she gave us the chance to complete it by asking her questions. By that she helped us to improve our skill of questioning. With the use of ppt she had given a detailed information on how to prepare a speech.  In the afternoon session, we had the ta...